visual harvest
A visual harvest is a collection of drawings that captures the essence of an encounter
A visual harvest reflects stories and conversations, visions and dreams, challenges and struggles in the form of lively drawings that continue to inspire far beyond that moment.
As a visual harvester I combine my skills as an artist with my knowledge as an anthropologist to observe closely as (group) processes unfold and connections are build. I have over ten years of experience working for businesses and organisations, online and in real life, during which I have developed my own unique style of visual harvesting.
Recent clients involve THNK School of Creative Leadership, the Savory Institute, the University of Utrecht, Atölye and SYPartners/100Years School, Ashoka Nederland, Ludens Talentontwikkeling and de Nederlandse Bank.
What they say about my visual harvest:
Don’t hesitate to get in touch with me if:
you are hosting an event or session (on- or offline) where a visual harvest would be the perfect way to add a special layer of reflection and understanding to the day
you want the participants to have a personal reminder after leaving the session
you are unable or prefer not to take pictures during a session and are looking for un unobtrusive and more personal method
you wonder about the different ways you could engage with the harvest during and after the session, how to make it visible or how it can be used as a kick-starter for conversations
you are not sure yet if or how this could work during your session and would like to know more
Since 2015, I have harvested for Art Partner (as part of de Beeldvormers duo), KPMG, Unilever, Municipality of Amsterdam, Municipality of Antwerp, Erasmus MC, the Dutch Ministry of Defense, the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, Ludens Talent-development, PROO Leiden, Horizon College, Inholland, Haagse Hogeschool, SBI Formaat, Municipality of Almere, de Balie Amsterdam, Huhtamaki, IFV, The New Institute Rotterdam, VU medisch centrum, Young in Prison, Kruisbestuivers, FOTODOK, the 100Years School, Atölye, Utrecht University, Tuning in! Protest Choir, and many others.