Residency: Black Earth - Valley of the Possible
Chile, La Araucanía, November/December 2022
I arrived at the Valley of the Possible artist-residency in southern Chile with the desire to learn how to have a deeper conversation with a landscape. It turned out to be one of those experiences where, upon arrival, you quickly realize you have to let go of all expectations and plans, and end up learning exactly that and so much more, through paths you could never have anticipated. Five weeks have flown by, during which I experienced deep companionship with humans and more-than-humans. We traveled between volcanos, rivers and black holes. From lessons of fermentation, edible and medicinal plants to the languages of fungi. From re-learning how to enter and walk in a forest to understanding the echo and impact of the colonial past and present. From facing our own ancestors to hacking our rational and dualistic mindsets. From embracing collapse and death to the question what kind of ancestors we want to be.
A deeper connection and conversation with each other and the landscapes that we inhabit is possible and necessary, and there is no better way to explore it than through art and rituals, through storytelling and the guidance of dreams, through close observation and deep listening.
Many seeds for new work were planted and the coming months I will share more through drawings and writing.
“‘Inarumen’ is the Mapuche methodology of the permanent observation of nature. Translated from Mapuzugun it means a constant and repeated ‘re-watching’ and is centered on ‘learning from real facts of nature, the conditions it offers us, and the way of relating to it.’”