Coming up: Protest!
Galerie Fleur & Wouter connects three contemporary artists who reflect on the roaring history of the Nieuwmarkt neighbourhood, each in their own way.
The image of a deserted chair in the streets is their common symbol, in many ways iconic for the neighbourhood. This image often refers to the persecution of Jews, like in the Holocaust monuments in Krakau and Oslo, that put a heavy stamp on the neighbourhood. But the abandoned chair also refers to the protests in the seventies, where furniture was used to build barriers against the police. Nowadays we still find dumped chairs in the streets, from artists who had to leave their ateliers or people who ar forced to move to a different part of town.
The exhibition will officially be opened by historian Tim Verlaan and poet Fausto van Bronkhorst.
Opening | October 20
Time | 17:00 - 21:00 hrs
Poetry & introduction | 18:30 hrs
Location | VOX-POP
Address | Binnengasthuisstraat 9
2017/2019 VU, Faculty of Social Science, master programme of Social and Cultural Anthropology
2018 - VTS Nederland, facilitator Visual Thinking Strategies
2006/2010 - HKU, Ba of Fine Art and Design in Education
2009 - Facultat de Belles Arts, Universitat de Barcelona
Februari 2017- Sachaqa Centro del Arte, Peru
Mei/juni 2016 - Bartimeus, instituut voor blinden en slechtzienden, Art Partner.
Januari 2014 - Gemeente Almere, Art Partner.
April 2013 - No Mans Art Gallery, Shanghai, China.
Aug/okt 2012 - Internationaal Danstheater, Amsterdam
2017 - Het Atelier AZC: co-founder of art studio, teaching art to kids through the Reggio Emilia method at AZC Wenckebachweg/Willinklaan (refugee shelter), Amsterdam
2016/2017- volunteer at Favela Painting: community-art mural painting projects
2012/2017- (guest)teacher of classes and workshop for Into The Great Wide Open, Pier K, jeugdzorg+ de Lindenhorst, HKU, Amadeus lyceum, Meisjesstad, Stedelijk Museum, private drawing and painting classes, a.o.
De Beeldvormers (2014-present): Drawing and art projects for: Art Partner, Ministerie van Economische Zaken (GLB), Ministerie van Binnenlandse zaken (Integratie en Naturalisatie Dienst), Ludens talentontwikkeling, Instituut voor Fysieke Veiligheid, Viva Zorg, Het Nieuwe Instituut, Inholland, de Haagse Hogesschool, KPMG, EIFFEL, Young in Prison, HKU, Provincie Antwerpen, AOG school of management, Crocs, Gemeente Almere, Bestuursacademie Nederland, VU Medisch Centrum, a.o.
Exhibitions 2010 - 2019
July 2019: De grote Fleur en Wouter Show, Galerie Fleur en Wouter, Amsterdam
July 2018: Fata Morgana, Galerie Fleur en Wouter, Amsterdam
Februari 2018: Pakjekunst, Noordje, Amsterdam
November 2017: Overzichtstentoonstelling, de Grunerie, Oegstgeest
September 2017: Wijn- & kunstproeverij, Galerie Fleur & Wouter, Hilversum
September 2017: Art Trade, Galerie Fleur & Wouter, Sociëteit Sexyland, Amsterdam
September 2016 - ‘Multiversum’, Academie Galerie, Utrecht
Juni 2016 - ‘Jubileum expositie’, Galerie Joghem, Sanquin Amsterdam
December 2014 - ‘Open’, SeenSeen Gallery, Amsterdam
Oktober 2013 - (solo) ‘Just wait a touch longer’, Internationaal Danstheater, Amsterdam
September 2013 - (solo) ‘Konden we maar zijn waar we zitten’, Foodism, Amsterdam
April 2013 - ‘Kyra Sacks & Merijn Kavelaars', The Secret 7 Clubhouse, Shanghai
Mei 2013 - No Mans Art Gallery Exhibition, Shanghai, China
Oktober 2012 - ‘Begrensd door ruimte’, Galerie P&E, Doesburg
November 2012 - ‘Open studio’, No Man's Art exhibition night, Amsterdam
November 2011 - ‘Playtime!Festival’, Het Veem theater, Amsterdam
Mei 2011 - ‘Opening show’, Museum Art Land, Nibbixwoud
Mei 2011 - (solo) ‘Heb ik mij vandaag bewogen?’ Galerie Joghem, Amsterdam
April 2011 - (solo) ‘Heb ik mij vandaag bewogen? II’, Radboud University, Nijmegen
September 2011 - ‘Kyra Sacks en Benita Mylius', De Grunerie, Oegstgeest
December 2011 - ‘Live build’, Galerie De Artillerie, Utrecht
Januari 2011 - ‘Geslaagde kunst’, galerie STAA, Alphen aan de Rijn
September 2010 - ‘Afstudeerders expositie’, Galerie Joghem, Sanquin, Amsterdam
Juli 2010 - ‘Exposure’, HKU graduates, Utrecht
Interview with Sachaca Art Centre - 2017
Interview with Art Trade - 2017